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Fix-It Ticket
Beginning January 1, 2018, county licensors are required to issue a Fix-It-Ticket for the identified violations approved by the commissioner that do not imminently endanger the health, safety, or rights of children. Fix-It Tickets are only issued during annual licensing inspections. Providers are not required to post the Fix-It Ticket. To operationalize the Fix-It Ticket for all annual inspections, DHS has developed a Fix-It Ticket form. The form is available for your review on our web site. Family child care licensors will use the form to issue a provider a Fix-It Ticket during an annual inspection (licensing, re-licensing, and off-year) when the provider is not in compliance with one or more of the eligible items. The licensor will identify on the form by item letter (listed on page 2 of the form) the item(s) that was not in compliance and whether the provider was able to correct the item while the licensor was on-site or if the provider has 48 hours (excluding weekends and holidays) to correct the violation. Please Note: For 2018, all providers are eligible for a Fix-It Ticket for all items regardless of the outcome of inspections completed in 2017. In 2019, items on the list are not eligible for a Fix-It Ticket if a correction order or a Fix-It Ticket was issued for the violation at the 2018 annual inspection. New Licensing Requirements There are several new licensing requirements for family child care that county licensors will monitor for beginning January 1, 2018. During 2018, licensors will use a form during all annual licensing inspections (licensing, re-licensing, and off-year) to determine whether a provider is in compliance with the new requirements. If a provider is not in compliance with one or more of the requirements, the licensor will provide technical assistance on the requirement(s) and how the provider can come into compliance. The items will not be cited in a correction order. The provider then has 30 days to come into compliance with the identified requirements. The licensor will check for compliance with the identified items at the next annual inspection in 2019. The form will be left with the provider for their reference, but they do not need to post the form. |
Emergency Preparedness Plan
Time to put on your thinking cap! What is your Plan ? There is NO right or wrong answer ! This is a work in progress....Do your best. Consider this a process of thinking through options for your setting. Keeping Kids Safe is a guide for providers, it does not have all the answers. The last 2 pages have directions on filling out the form. The form was made for every provider in the state , not all the situations will apply to your location. You can fill out the form on DHS Website, PDF or a Word Doc. Bodily Fluids Blood and vomit. Providers must have available and use chlorine bleach or other approved substances for cleaning and disinfecting contaminated surfaces. Providers must obtain the following supplies: Plastic bags with secure ties for disposal of blood-contaminated material, disposable gloves and eye protection for use in handling bodily fluid-contaminated materials. Sharps container for those who have children using insulin. When you have completed your emergency prepardness plan you need to provide copies to all current parents. Future parents need to receive a copy when enrolled. Read the Implementation Plan for 2017 Legislative Changes Impacting Licensed Family Child Care. This Document explains all the changes. Implementation Plan |
ADDITONAL STEP IN RECORDING STORM/FIRE DRILLS TAKE EFFECT JANUARY 1, 2018! The TIME when drills take place along with the date, must be recorded when all monthly Fire/Storm drills take place. There is not a specific form that is required to keep track of the drills. Some counties provide a form to record drills, however, you can record this on any form or method you choose. (Licensing may not issue a correction order for using a different form.) Here is the language of the Statue Minn. Stat. 245A.51, subd. 3 c) The license holder must conduct drills according the requirements in Minnesota Rules, part 9502.0435, subpart 8. The date and time of the drills must be documented. |